Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Family Code Nicaragua - Traductor Rolando Tellez

If you need the translation of Nicaragua´s Family Code, call translator at 22894596 and WhatsApp 85024673

Law 870 - Family Code
Chapter VI
Affiliation by Adoption

Art. 231     Adoption Definition
Adoption is the legal institution by which the adopted or foster child joins the family of adoptive parents, creating between these parents and said child the same legal ties of kinship that bind the father or mother and blood sons and daughters.

Art. 232               Competent Authority
In a first phase, administrative remedies shall apply to an adoption, and in the second phase, the judicial process shall follow. No formal procedure shall be followed at a courthouse if the administrative procedures have not been applied earlier.
The administrative procedure is set forth in the Sixth Book of this Code; and the judicial process shall be carried out according to the special ordinary process established in the book itself.
The judicial authority shall not process any adoption application that is unaccompanied by a favorable resolution from the Adoption Council of Nicaragua. In case of resolutions involving rejections, a writ of amparo may be filed against such Council.

Art. 233               Confidentiality in Procedures
Every administrative and judicial procedure verified in the adoption process shall be strictly confidential.

Art. 234     Contestability in Adoption
An adoption is not challengeable after six months after notification of a resolution. In the event that parents or grandparents of an adopted child allege with cause in their non-opposition to adoption proceedings, such six-month period shall be extended to eighteen months. The rights of those adopted children when challenging an adoption, in cases where they were victims of sexual abuse or intrafamily violence, are protected.

Art. 235               Separation from Original Family
The adopted child is separated from his original family, depriving him/her of any rights thereto; such child may not ask for kinship obligations to be fulfilled. Absolute impediments to get married set forth in this Code remain in force.

Art. 236     Irrevocable Adoption
An adoption is irrevocable and cannot be terminated by agreement of the parties.

Chapter VIII Adoptive Parents, Foster Children, and Adoption Council of Nicaragua

Art. 237               Adoption Application by Nicaraguan or Foreigner
Adoption can be requested by married Nicaraguan people, couples living in a common-law marriage relationship or an individual.
In regard to foreigners, couples—male and female, living together in common-law marriage, may apply for adoption.

Art. 238               Persons Entitled to Adopt
Nicaraguan and foreign citizens, who are legally capable of meeting the requirements below, may adopt children:

a) Applicants must be 24 years of age and not older than fifty-five, and there must be a difference of 15 years of age between the adoptive parent and adopted child.  Rarely, there may be an adoption without fulfilling the aforementioned requirements, based on the best interest of the child or adolescent and with approval of the Adoption Council of Nicaragua.
b) They shall have affective, moral, psychological, social, and financial conditions deemed to be suitable to responsibly assume the role of father and mother.

Art. 239     Legal Standing in Adoption Process
Adoption may be requested by:
a) A couple, man and woman, who live together in a common-law marriage relationship.
b) The relatives of an adopted child within the fourth degree of kinship or consanguinity or second degree of family relationship.
c) The spouse or partner when the person to be adopted is the son or daughter of the other spouse or partner.
d) A guardian or person that obtained guardianship after having settled the administration accounts.
e) Foreigners united in marriage formalized in accordance with the provisions in this Code.

Art. 240              Persons Who Cannot Adopt a Child
Who may not adopt a child
a) One spouse or partner, without the consent of the other one.
b) Persons who have been stripped of all their civil and political rights.
c) A guardian may not obtain guardianship or adopt a foster child until after all administration accounts have been settled.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Traducción certificada Managua, WhatsApp 8502 4673

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Rolando Tellez
